Providing unbiased support, care, and guidance during this new season of your life


Postpartum Doula Services Right Hand Mama

“The amazing thing about becoming a parent is that you will never again be your own first priority.”

— Olivia Wilde

allow me to make you my first priority

As a postpartum doula, I will provide you with emotional and physical support and care. Although every day may seem the same the first few weeks after bringing home your baby, in reality your needs will be very different day by day. Perhaps you need support with general baby care, like umbilical cord care or trimming those tiny nails. You might need trusting hands to leave your child with while you take a much needed nap. Maybe you are ready to start wearing your baby and need instruction on how to safely carry them. Other times you may want to sit and hold your sweet baby while I tidy the house, fold laundry, prep dinner, or provide needed attention to older siblings. While you make your baby your first priority, let me make you my first priority.

I proudly support families of all types, ethnicities, sexual orientations, cultural and religious backgrounds, single parents, first time parents, experienced parents, singletons and multiples, formula-fed babies, breastmilk-fed babies, cloth diapered babies and parents utilizing elimination communication.

I welcome ALL families, and my mission is to be inclusive to every family who seeks support during this vulnerable postpartum time.

Postpartum support Services

  • Daytime Support

    3 Hour Minimum


  • NightTime Support

    8 Hour minimum


  • Packages

    4 hour minimum+

    $150 - $2000