Right Hand Mama Postpartum Doula

Meet your New right hand maMA

Welcome! I am Mia Sanderson, a postpartum doula and the owner of Right Hand Mama.

I believe that every new parent deserves to be supported, cared for, and mothered - in the most nurturing sense of the word - in the postpartum period. Although the postpartum period is often described as the 4th trimester, or the first 3 months following birth, I use a much broader definition. After having a baby, you will forever be postpartum, and you will find yourself continually changing and processing what that means, whether that’s 3 weeks, 3 months, or even 3 years after the birth of your child.

My goal as a postpartum doula is to nurture your well-being, empower your instincts, promote rest, and provide professional referrals and resources when needed.

I am so excited you’ve found me, and I hope to chat with you soon about all the ways I can support you in this new season of your life. For those new to postpartum doula services, read more here.

A Little Bit About Me

Postpartum Doula Right Hand Mama

I am the mother of two awesome kiddos, 6 and 4 years old. I believe that parenthood is extremely hard but also the most important, rewarding, and transformative thing you’ll ever do. I have been with my husband since 2008, and he is my biggest supporter. I love dark chocolate, homemade bread, and herbal teas. I strongly believe in the power of affirmations and meditation. On the weekends, you can find me going on nature walks with my kids, reading a good book, or baking some chocolate babka.



I am a certified Postpartum Doula.

I am a certified Yoga Instructor as well as a certified Prenatal Yoga Instructor.

I am a Reiki II Practitioner.

I am currently training to be certified as a Childbirth Educator and Lactation Consultant.